This page has news that might be important to people with an intellectual/learning disability.
This is where we will write about things that are important to us.
NAS & the Patient Advocacy Service Annual Report
The 2020 Annual Report of the National Advocacy Service for People with Disabilities (NAS) and the Patient Advocacy Service.
Cost of Disability in Ireland
Cost of Disability Report published by the Department of Social Protection on the 7th December 2021
Have your say about Disability Rights in Ireland
This survey is a chance for you to tell us how well the government is implementing the UNCRPD.
Event on the UNCRPD
Learn about the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD): What does it mean for disabled people in Ireland? An information webinar presented by the Disabled Persons Coalition (DPO Coalition): Wednesday 27th January, 7pm – 9pm. You will get...
Dermot Lowndes in the Irish Times
Thousands will not be able to vote on Saturday, expert warns ‘There is a complete lack of awareness about the barriers thousands of people face’ Thu, Feb 6, 2020, 13:24 Updated: Thu, Feb 6, 2020, 13:25 Kitty Holland Social Affairs Correspondent Shelly Gaynor, from...
Desmond Aston – INHEF
This is a pdf of the letter written by Des Aston, chairperson of the Inclusive National Higher Education Forum.