The idea for a National Platform of Self-Advocates was talked about because we wanted better things  for ourselves.

In November 2011 the idea was talked about after the National Advocacy Council meeting in Galway – a small group from Galway, Clare, Kilkenny led the discussion.

They agreed to develop an organisation which would be independent.

There were meetings in Clare and Kildare and people talked about:

Why the Platform was needed

What it would do and

How it would get funded.

  • In April 2012 at a meeting in Tullamore
  • 60 people came to talk about the National Platform
  • This meeting heard from People First Scotland and they facilitated the elections
  • 24 people put themselves forward to become members of the Interim Committee

12 were elected.


The group decided to look for money

The group got the money from a group called GENIO


The Interim Committee decided to get their own facilitator and support person

A working group wrote an advertisement

They interviewed the people who applied for the job


Karen O’Shea was given the job of facilitator and support person to the National Platform

The Interim Committee have been meeting once a month.

Working Groups have been meeting in between each meeting

The Committee wrote a Draft Vision Statement and made it Easy to Read

The Committee has also been organising 4 regional meetings to get feedback on the National Platform and the Draft Vision Statement.





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