As part of our General Election 2016 coverage, Inclusion Ireland will be reviewing all of the manifestos published by political parties
National Platform Statement
Inclusion Ireland Are Reviewing All manifesto’s from all political Party running in the general Election 2016 and see what they promise for people with Disability’s in health, Allowances & Benefits , independent living and The cost of Disability
Inclusion Ireland Manifesto Review see below
As a part of our extensive General Election 2016 coverage we are comparing the party manifestos by topic – next up is therapies. So, what are the political parties promising about Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs), Occupational Therapists (OTs), the National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) and the Disability Act? Follow the link below for more information.
As part of our General Election 2016 coverage, Inclusion Ireland will be reviewing all of the manifestos published by political parties in terms of their commitments to disability issues. We are judging each party’s manifesto in comparison to asks contained in Inclusion Ireland’s ‘A Disability Manifesto for Equality and Human Rights’. Our second review focuses on the Social Democrats’ manifesto ‘Building a Better Future 2016-2016’ which includes an entire chapter titled ‘Empower those with Disabilities’ and other disability-related commitments. Follow the link below to read the full review and let us know your thoughts!
Follow this to access our dedicated Election 2016 webpage.www.inclusionireland.ie/content/page/elections-2016
Up Date
As part of our General Election 2016 coverage, Inclusion Ireland is reviewing all of the manifestos published by political parties in terms of their commitments to disability issues. We are judging each party’s manifesto in comparison to asks contained in Inclusion Ireland’s ‘A Disability Manifesto for Equality and Human Rights’. Our third review focuses on Sinn Fein’s manifesto ‘For a Fair Recovery’ which includes promises on establishing a patient advocacy service, hiring an extra 1,000 Special Needs Assistants (SNAs) and increasing funding for respite, however there are some omissions with no specific mention of de-congregation or direct payments for example. Follow the link below to read the full review
We are reviewing all of the manifestos published by political parties in terms of their commitments to disability issues. We are judging each party’s manifesto in comparison to asks contained in our document ‘A Disability Manifesto for Equality and Human Rights’. Our fifth review focuses on the Green Party’s manifesto ‘Think Ahead, Act Now’ which includes promises such as the ratification of the UNCRPD and an increase in the budget for disability services including Home Support and Personal Assistance. But there is no mention of the Cost of Disability; instead an increase in Disability Allowance is mooted. There is no commitment to an amount. Follow link to read full review.
We are reviewing all of the manifestos published by political parties in terms of their commitments to disability issues. We are judging each party’s manifesto in comparison to asks contained in our document ‘A Disability Manifesto for Equality and Human Rights’. Our fourth review focuses on the People Before Profit’s manifesto ‘Share the Wealth: An Alternative Vision for Ireland’ which includes promises on advocacy supports, therapy supports and ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) but does not address direct funding, de-institutionalisation or community supports commitments that are outlined in our Manifesto. Follow link for full review.
Follow this link for more information on Election Coverage From Inclusion Ireland
We are reviewing all of the manifestos published by political parties in terms of their commitments to disability issues and judging each party’s manifesto in comparison to asks contained in our document ‘A Disability Manifesto for Equality and Human Rights’. Our sixth review focuses on Fianna Fail’s manifesto ‘An Ireland For All’ which includes promises such as the recruitment of 550 additional therapists, €10 cost of disability payment added to weekly payments and €20m to speed up the move from institutions, but there is no commitment on advocacy supports for people with a disability, disability hate crime and assisted decision-making supports. Follow link to read full review.
Follow link below to read reviews of the promises from the other political parties’ manifestos.
We are reviewing all of the manifestos published by political parties in terms of their commitments to disability issues and judging each party’s manifesto in comparison to asks contained in our document ‘A Disability Manifesto for Equality and Human Rights’. Our seventh review focuses on Labour’s manifesto ‘Standing Up For Ireland’s Future’ which includes promises such as improving the integration of therapy supports into school settings, moving towards a system of individualised budgeting for care services and a national strategy to tackle hate crime, but there is no mention of advocacy supports, no senior minister to drive the employment strategy and no mention of respite which is in crisis. Follow link below to read full review.
Our final Manifesto review is focusing on Fine Gael’s manifesto ‘Let’s Keep the Recovery Going’ which includes promises on establishing an independent patient advocacy service, working with stakeholders on the further development the ECCE scheme for children with disabilities and the introduction of personalised budgets within 12 months but there is no provision for hate crime, unlike a lot of other political parties and this is a big miss and nothing about life-long education and training. Read full review of the Fine Gael manifesto below.
To read other reviews of the other parties follow link below.
To read other reviews of the other parties follow link below.