Ireland’s Report on the United National Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Ireland’s Report on the United National Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is also known as the UNCRPD.
The UNCRPD is an agreement between countries.
It says what countries have to do to make sure that persons with disabilities have the same rights as everyone else.
It says they must have rules and laws to protect the rights of persons with disabilities.
The UNCRPD makes sure that persons with disabilities are treated equally and fairly.
In March 2018, Ireland agreed to put the UNCRPD into action.
It says what Ireland is doing now and what we plan to do in the future.
The report is put together by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.

Here is the plain English version of the government’s report.


UNCRPD Irish Government Drfat report Easy to Read

Learn about the UNCRPD

The presentation below is an opportunity to learn about the CRPD and what it means for you. We also explain about how Ireland reports to the UN and how you can become involved in this process. This video and the webinar where the content was originally presented are part of a process to create a Shadow Report to the UN on CRPD by the Disabled Persons Coalition (DPO Coalition) of which The National Platform is a member.

Event on the UNCRPD

Learn about the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD):

What does it mean for disabled people in Ireland?

An information webinar presented by the Disabled Persons Coalition (DPO Coalition):

Wednesday 27th January, 7pm – 9pm.

You will get information about:

•The Convention and what it means

•How you can engage in the Government’s consultation on Ireland’s Draft State Report

•The DPO Coalition’s planned Shadow Report

Ireland’s Draft Initial State Report under the UN CRPD was published in December 2020 and is open for consultation until March 3rd 2021.

The DPO Coalition is one of four funded Disability Participation and Consultation Network members who will be making a submission on the State’s Draft Report. .

The DPO Coalition is also developing an independent report that ‘shadows’ the State’s report and presents an alternative view of how the State has met its obligations under the Convention.

The DPO Coalition is an alliance of disabled people and disabled peoples organisations (DPOs) which was established in 2020 to develop and submit a report to the United Nations (UN) on Ireland’s implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

Who should attend?

•Disabled people

•Anyone interested in the UN CRPD and its process

•Anyone planning to contribute to the Irish Draft Initial State Party Report If you would like to register email

@abrihouse @IrishDeafSoc @Platformselfadv @AsIAmIreland @DW_Ireland

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