The inclusion Ireland sub committee of self advocates will A holding work Shop on what the community means to you
AT the inclusion Ireland conference on Saturday the 11th of June in the Gibson Hotel.
Dublin National Platform of self Advocates, Seasamh And Inclusion Ireland P.R.O Adrian Noonan with Phill Davey of the inclusion Ireland sub committee of self advocates And Board Member will be Co Chairing the workshop.
Read below for all information on inclusion Ireland Conference and AGM “Time to Deliver “
This workshop will be focused on exploring what is the community, what does living in the community mean to you
What it looks like and how People With Disabilities getting involved in the community.
The workshop is going to involve a self-advocate Paul Alford Who will speak about how he has been supported to make connections and be involved in his community.
Volunteer Ireland will Have a Representative Talking at the workshop on how to volunteer in your community.
His focus will on talking about the importance of the right support and what the right support involves.
Two other self-advocates are going to talk about how they contribute to the community and give examples of volunteer work they do and the benefits of this for all involved.
There will also be facilitated group discussions with the attendees looking at questions of community.
The workshop will be aimed at Self Advocates anybody is welcome to attend.
Hope to see you their see below on Details on how to Attend The Conference
The Agenda for the day
Inclusion Ireland Conference ‘Time to Deliver’, June 11th 2016
Saturday, June 11th 2016 Gibson Hotel, Point Village, Dublin 1
Registration (9.30am)
Parallel Workshops (10.30am-12.30pm)
● Complex Support Needs
● Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015
● Self-Advocacy
● Innovative Approaches to Day Services
Lunch (12.30pm-1.30pm)
Minister for Disabilities Finian McGrath (1.30pm-1.45pm)
HSE National Director Social Care Pat Healy (1.45pm-2.00pm)
Feedback and Questions from the Workshops (2.00pm-2.45pm)
Open Forum (2.45pm-3.30pm)
AGM Business (3.30pm-4.30pm)
Booking: You can book via or (01) 8559891.
The below prices include annual membership rate:
● €10 Unwaged Rate
● €15 Members Rate
● €25 Non-Members Rate
● €35 Professional Person Rate
Link is below
Inclusion Ireland ‘Time to Deliver’ conference takes place in Dublin on Saturday,
June 11th…/inclusion-ireland-time-del…
Adrian Noonan P.R.O of The National Platform Of self Advocates Ireland and inclusion Ireland speaking at
The Human Rights & The Equality Commission Launch on the Report Monitoring the UN Convention on The Rights of People with Disabilities(CRPD) in Dublin Castle Today Monday 9th of May
( Picture of Emily Logan commissar for Human Rights & Equality With Adrian Noonan Self Advocate and P.R.O of The National Platform of Self Advocates)
See Link Below to follow Story and interview with Emily Logan And Adrian Noonan interview with Today FM on Today event
Disability Convention will be ratified in 6 mths via @todayfm
The event was the annual Applied Social Sciences Undergrad Conference in Limerick Institute of Technology on April 8th. The National Platform of Self Advocates were asked to conduct workshops with the delegates on self advocacy and the National Platform.

The Event with the politicians in Carmichael went very well
We got our message across , We spoke about From The Capacity/ New Assisted Decision Act
To independent living prescription charge /To The On Going Abuse Scandal in Some Disability Residential services They made their promises but can they back them up?
We have to see but We as the National Platform of self Advocates Don’t want any More empty promises and want A pro active (Action) Approach
To Disability Issues in Other words Less talk more action and We want as The National Platform of Self Advocates want to be more included on disability Issues That affect us ” Nothing About Us with out Us”

Here are some pictures of Today

The Event with the politicians in Carmichael went very well
We got our message across , We spoke about From The Capacity/ New Assisted Decision Act
To independent living prescription charge /To The On Going Abuse Scandal in Some Disability Residential services They made their promises but can they back them up?
We have to see but We as the National Platform of self Advocates Don’t want any More empty promises and want A pro active (Action) Approach
To Disability Issues in Other words Less talk more action and We want as The National Platform of Self Advocates want to be more included on disability Issues That affect us ” Nothing About Us with out Us”

A lot of promises made by Joan Burton TD and the Labour Party but only one line on people with disabilities there needs to be more on disability we are worth more more then one line ?
Of Course We are Worth then More line and a lot of more respect with that.
The labour party and Joan Burton has to work harder if they want people with disabilities to vote for the their party
We want more then just one line we want to be evolved in the process on our own lives and Decisions Made about us ” Nothing About Us With out Us”.